Friday, January 8, 2010

New Year, New Hobbies

I think a good New Years Resolution will be to blog more. It doesn't require a lot of extra energy (exercising more) or money (trying to eat healthier) but it's a good way to get some of the stuff in my head to go somewhere else. So far I'm sticking to it, since last year I didn't blog at all!

I tend to have a fairly boring life, so this blog will mostly be about:
-things I knit
-things I cook
-things I see around Boston if I happen to have a camera around (not often)

Knitting is a fairly new passion in my life; I've known the rudimentary skills since about my junior year in high school ('06) but it's only been in the past year or so that it's started turning into an obsession. Ravelry is really the driving force behind it; I've found so many patterns that I never would have found otherwise,
along with a great group of people that I get to knit with every week. I do have to thank my Mom though, because she's the one who told me to stop hacking her Rav account and just get my own (Hi Mom!) Last spring I started a real project, bought my own yarn, and now here I am.

I'm not nearly as bad as some people though; I mean, I'm sure I could be, I just don't have the funds to go crazy in the yarn store. Do you know how expensive knitting needles are? And I always have the size I need in straights when it should be circulars, and vice versa. How is a college kid supposed to create a stash here? I mean I know its a recession, but this is getting out of hand. The only thing I can afford to be obsessed with is sunglasses, and that's because I buy cheap ones off the street.

I'm about to start a new project, but right now what I really want to make progress on is my Harry Potter scarf.
At the end it will be 19 stripes, 10 scarlet and 9 gold, with tassels on the bottom to keep it from rolling. It's knit in the round which is a) good, because there's no wrong side and it will be extra warm when it's done, and b) bad, because it's taking me twice as long to knit it. I'd like to be able to wear it to the Harry Potter exhibit at the Museum of Science, and if that's too close (it ends Feb 21) , then at least while it's still winter! What would make it really easy to work on would be if my TV shows would hurry up and come back on the air. I mean I know Glee isn't coming back until April, but I can still watch Castle and Bones and have some crime-solving/sexual-tension knitting time.

The other thing that tends to occupy my time around this time of year (co-op) is bento boxes. If you don't know what they are, you can Google it. I'm kidding. They're Japanese lunchboxes that tend to be compartmentalized, and also adorable. The Japanese have this thing with making normal things really really cute. This is the bento that I brought with me to work today, but it's no where near the craziness that some people do. If you go to Flickr and search "charaben" or "kyaraben" (Japanese for "cute food" or something similar) you will see some crazy stuff. I have some silly tools that I bought last year to make things cuter, like the little pig and rabbit you see there. I have some mold for rice and hard-boiled eggs, and at one point I even made a hard-boiled egg look like a chicken. Maybe that will be another resolution, make really cute bentos.

Have fun in the snow!
