Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bad At This

There's really no point in having a blog if there is only one post. I thought about writing in it all the time, but then there was always something else I should've been doing. I guess what held me back was the feeling that every post had to have something awesome in it, or something enlightening or something that people would really want to read, when that actually doesn't matter at all. I can talk about whatever I want on here because it's THE INTERNET and I don't care if nobody reads this or if tons of people read it.

That being said, I think this is mainly going to be a craft blog. So far I'm only knitting, but as the year goes on I hope to branch out into embroidery and maybe sewing as well. Right now I have a ton of projects on the needles, and as I get better at knitting there are so many things I want to cast on! I don't feel that guilty about starting a lot of things because I know I'll finish them eventually, but I'm running out of needles. Currently my WIPs and their statuses are:

- A Brainmonster Hat that only needs a wash and some eyes
- A Ribbed Bolero that I kinda messed up the lace but am more than halfway so am ignoring the problem
- Two scarves, one Branching Out for me that is going fine, I just can only knit it in big chunks of time because of the chart, and something else for my roommate with this yarn, which is driving me insane because you should not knit lace with boucle yarn. >=(
- A pair of Bird in Hand which is currently only two thirds of one mitten because it takes so long to make progress on these. Will probably finish them for next winter (but must remember to switch out Stacey's needles for mine and give hers back)
- A Milkweed Shawl, which will eventually be so pretty and nice but I'm leaving it for now after finishing the first chart to get practice on some other small lace projects.
- And, a stupid Harry Potter Scarf that hasn't been worked on since January because I've found other things to knit that are much more fun. This I would work on in a movie theater or somewhere where I want to pay attention to something besides knitting. Which doesn't happen often. This is in hibernation so it doesn't feel so bad about being left alone for so long.

Only 7! That's good right? Well technically the Brainmonster Hat is done and wearable just not decorated, and the Harry Potter Scarf doesn't count either because it's hibernating. And I have plenty of size 8 needles so I don't feel guilty. So only 5! 5 is still ok. I just need to actually finish something soon, considering I'm casting on some Fetching tonight and have really tempting yarn that is just telling me to learn socks. And I'm getting yarn from Tara to make a sweater soon, too. Oh dear. I'm going to need to buy some more needles.

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